I have two sheets. One sheet is in place so I can easily input data, and the second is made up of 100 or so pages so i can easily print reports. On the first sheet each row basically has all of the information that pertains to each page (report) on the second excel sheet.

If i can figure out one formula the rest will be easy. So here is one that i'm trying to figure out...

Sheet1!A3 needs to be shown on Sheet2!I2
Sheet1!A4 needs to be shown on Sheet2!I49
Sheet1!A5 needs to be shown on Sheet2!I96


the problem is when i copy the entire page with the formula instead of Sheet2!I49 retrieving from Sheet1!A4 it takes it from Sheet1!A50 and for Sheet2!I96 it takes from Sheet1!A97. I have tried some offset and indirect formulas but i cant seem to find a solution. I need a formula that i can easily copy onto the next 99 pages and will reference Sheet 1 column A in an increasing sequence.
