I am trying to get this exercise completed, I have tried on my own but I am stumped. Help will be much appreciated. Thanks!
Part 1
Open the provided Excel file “ExerciseExcel.xls”. The first worksheet (Code Conversion) has a column labeled “Length of Employment” (Column A). Convert each length of employment into one of the following categories:
0-6 (0 to 6 Months)
7-12 (7 to 12 Months)
1-2 (1 to 2 Years)
2-5 (2 to 5 Years)
5+ (5 plus Years)
Column C labeled “After Conversion” contains examples of the conversion for the first 38 rows. Use whatever method you want to complete the conversion (except for manually converting the numbers) in Column B.
Part 2
Please refer to the worksheet in the "ExerciseExcel" file called “Data”. Please calculate the median “Avg Guest Check – Overall” for each segment (A,B,C, and Q) for only those average guest checks that are greater than zero. Please save the file with your calculations and/or provide a description of how you accomplished this.