I have to find out the maximum date from a series of dates if the condition is true for those dates.
I have a spreadsheets for the all days of the month and every day I enter data for each day. The totals are based on format control box which is true of false. I use "sumif" formula or lookup formula based on all "true" days. However I have to manually change the date every day so that formulas work.
Is there any formula which can pick up maximum date based on true conditions. So I don't need to change the date and by clicking the control box for true condition, the maximum date will be there.
For Example :
True and false are in row 1
dates are in row 2
Row 1 - True True True False False Total at
Row 2- 1-May-17 2-May-17 3-May-17 4-May-17 5-May-17 3-May-17