Hi all,
I am currently doing a project with work, to give you the back story we have an online store that I am trying to quicken the process of updating quantities to match the in-store POS system. Right now I have it set up so that I can do an export from MYOB and an export from Shopify, which has barcodes and by using VLOOKUP, it looks for the barcode in the shop export and records the number 17 rows across which is the qty. It works and takes probably 10-15min to do the lot, much better than manually doing each product individually.
Now, my issue is, that since there is a lot of staff that enter in products at the store, for some strange reason at the end of some product descriptions, there is a line break. When I export all the products (about 14000 barcodes), this puts the data to the right of the product description onto the next row. When I run the VLOOKUP code, it returns a "0" as there is nothing in that cell. I am still new to all of this, this is the code I have been using
=VLOOKUP(D2,'[Stock 170416]Stock'!A:Q,17,FALSE)
There are just too many of these to fix in the system, for now, as it's over 1000 (but will be done eventually), so is there a way, after importing into excel, to get it to search and if no data in Column C, it is to cut all the data from the row below, column A to AF and paste into the correct spot? I tried doing it manually in the txt file and took a very long time. The other option I thought of was to amend the code above so that if the cell is empty, it returns the number in the 15th column of the row below. Does this make sense? Obviously the best way is to fix MYOB in the first place so that it doesn't export the data with the line breaks in the product description, but I need something that will work for the time being.
Thank you!