Hi Guys,
I'm using excel slope function to calculate whether a trend is positive or negative for traffic for a website.
I saw this solution which worked however i can't seem to get it working when i have odd data points e.g. 5 month. Example:
It works well when even months, but not odd.
How do i fix this?
The other question is i want to create a if statement, so if the slope is negative or positive it will say in the projection column.
What would the IF statement look like to do this in excel e.g. if number is negative add negative to column if positive...
I have added the worksheet here: https://ufile.io/efc431
Mods the attached feature in excel forum is not working see: https://www.useloom.com/share/1b4a3f...1279edea62fcd3
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!