I Have these two numbers in different cells and somehow they are matches even though they are different with conditional formatting. Can someone tell me why and maybe how I can fix it.
I Have these two numbers in different cells and somehow they are matches even though they are different with conditional formatting. Can someone tell me why and maybe how I can fix it.
"somehow they are matches even though they are different with conditional formatting" What does that mean? These are clearly not matches. What conditional formatting rule do you have set up? Also, these numbers are beyond the precision that Excel can handle. Are these formatted as text?
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I'm highlighting cell values with conditional formatting and these two cells are coming up as matches. I have them formatted as general.
Something is amiss in your conditional formatting. There is no way to diagnose it without the details of your conditional formatting rules (what cells these are in, what type of rules you are using, exactly how the rule is formulated).
The easiest thing is to attach your file.
I'm just using the conditional formatting for duplicates that comes with excel it's nothing special and how do I attach a file to this forum?
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I figured out why excel is counting it as a dup but can't fix it. It appears that everything after the 10th place of the decimal it ignores.
so 20170328.4 matches 20170328.41 and also matches 201703280.368067
Excel only uses 15 digits in a number, total. Anything after that is truncated and replaces with 0's
Perhaps you need to round those off to 2 decimals?
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My first post noted that these numbers are beyond Excel precision. Based on this further discussion, these might be the numbers that you enter into Excel, but these are not the numbers that are actually in your spreadsheet. (Note that this is a completely different issue than what is displayed in a cell.) Are you doing arithmetic with these numbers? If not, you could format them as text. (Edit: That's what I do when dealing with credit card numbers.)
I tried editing as text but it still didn't see as different. To create that number I'm using concatenate on 3 cells
Given this last post I think the only way we're going to figure this out is if you attach your file. Information keeps dripping out as we go along and we really need to know everything you're doing.
Under the text box where you type your reply click the Go Advanced button. On the next screen scroll down and click on Manage Attachments, which will show a pop-up window to Select and Upload a file. Then close the window.
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