I concur with the above. Based on what I am seeing I make several recommendations.
First of all you have Excel 2013. This means you have Excel Tables. You don't need Excel Tables to solve this issue, but they do make using Excel a lot easier. In many cases you have to "guess" how much data you have and then write your formulas to match exactly that many rows. If the amount of data changes, then you have to rewrite the formulas. Excel tables know how big they are. Also Excel tables do things like copy down formulas automatically, and you can refer to them by Column Heading such as Table_Data[Item Description] instead of 'Sheet Name'!$A2:$A13. Here is some information to get you started on tables. http://www.utteraccess.com/wiki/Tables_in_Excel - I suggest that when you have time, you study it. Tables will come in very handy later on.
As for this particular problem you are going to have to separate out parts between the dashes. Two formulas that will come in handy are FIND() and IFERROR(). Read up on them. Once you figure out these formulas, then you can put them in "helper" columns and apply a pivot table to the result.