hello everyone,
I just purchased some points from this website. hopefully i uploaded the file correctly and you guys can help, i need a formulas that can give me the day count, but only if the unit was shipped. for instance, i have a radio that came to my house and its been sitting on my room, it came in on 02/01/2017 but i don't actually ship the TV for repair until 02/15/2017 . so i need to have a formula that give me a date of how many days it's been out of my house based on the shipping date and not the date it came into my house. but if the TV it's in my house and hasn't been shipped for repair, I want a text to show "pending repair" .. Can any of you help?.
MY GOAL is to be able to provide of how many days the TV is here in the office for repair AND also, i like to create a pivot table that can show all my customer with a count of how many tv's they have in my office for repair.
The column i am interested is "F" minus "C" if there is a date on "C" if no date then equals "pending review"