It can be difficult to debug from pictures. It is unclear to me what your Excel chart is trying to use for y-values and x-values in the XY scatter chart. I'm also not sure what you want the final chart to look like. I also wonder if your "distance" values are truly the text strings "x meters" or if they are just numbers (x) with the "meters" added by formatting.
Here's what I would suggest -- if nothing else to learn how to create a simple XY scatter chart in Excel.
1) If the distance values are, in fact, "x meters" as text strings, re enter each of these values as just the number -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If you tend to forget that these represent meters, then put "meters" in the row header -- "distance, meters"
2) I would not trust Excel to guess the data series correctly, so I would select a single, blank cell somewhere outside the table. Insert -> chart -> XY scatter
3) Go into the Select Data dialog, clear the chart source field, then add a data series
3a) Select the desired ranges for X values and Y values (Gut instinct is that you want distance as the X values for each series and trials 1 through 4 as the y values for each series. So the first series would be distance for X values and trial 1 for Y values.)
3b) Repeat 3a for each data series you want to add.
4) Format chart as desired.
Does that get you close to what you want?