
I am somewhat new to this, so I am lost as to why this doesn't work. I have the following data in an excel spreadsheet.

Jan. Feb. mar. Apr. may. Jun. Mid-Year. jul. August. Sep. oct. nov. dec. year-end

I need to fill in the Mid-year and year-end cells with the average of the previous 6 months and 12 months respectively. Mid-year would be the average of Jan thru Jun. Year-end should be the average of all of the months. I am using this formula-- =sum(A1:F1)/count(A1:F1)-countif(A1:F1,"0"))
To obtain the average of the 6 months, but not count a blank space. THIS WORKS! However, when I add in the 2nd range, it no longer works. =sum(A1:F1, H1:M1)/count(A1:F1, H1:M1)-countif(A1:F1,H1:M1,"0"))
I get only the average of the first six months.

I want to get the average of the first 6 months (mid-year) and the average of the full 12 months, but not count the blank spaces. The blanks spaces are not really blank, they have formulas.

I hope I have explained this well enough. Please ask questions if not.

Thank you for any help your can provide.