Please see the image I have tried to explain without sending a sheet I think it should be straight forward for an excel guru.
The only sheet I have is a live sheet which is full of info I do not want on here.
I have tried stripping out sheets but it breaks several other sheets
On Test Sales (to replace my current Sales) I have in G6 a drop-down eBay, Amazon, Website,
I have all my sheet working accept K6 "Final Fee"
It works when I select eBay current formula =IFERROR(IF(G6="eBay",INDEX(eBay!$A:$R,MATCH(A6,eBay!$A:$A,0),MATCH(eBayDropShip[[#Headers],[eBay FVF]],eBayDropShip[#Headers],0))*[Items Sold],0),0)
I want it to do the same but if I select Amazon in G6 it goes Amazon sheet (called AmazonDropship in Name Manager) and match SKU and grab value in the M column it's called Amazon FVF select the value there and bring it back.
If website is selected it puts a £0.00 in