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Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

  1. #1
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    Question Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Please see the image I have tried to explain without sending a sheet I think it should be straight forward for an excel guru.
    The only sheet I have is a live sheet which is full of info I do not want on here.
    I have tried stripping out sheets but it breaks several other sheets

    On Test Sales (to replace my current Sales) I have in G6 a drop-down eBay, Amazon, Website,
    I have all my sheet working accept K6 "Final Fee"
    It works when I select eBay current formula =IFERROR(IF(G6="eBay",INDEX(eBay!$A:$R,MATCH(A6,eBay!$A:$A,0),MATCH(eBayDropShip[[#Headers],[eBay FVF]],eBayDropShip[#Headers],0))*[Items Sold],0),0)

    I want it to do the same but if I select Amazon in G6 it goes Amazon sheet (called AmazonDropship in Name Manager) and match SKU and grab value in the M column it's called Amazon FVF select the value there and bring it back.
    If website is selected it puts a £0.00 in


  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?


    Please don't upload pictures which are rarely much use, particularly when you already have a workbook. Not many of us want to spend time recreating it.
    In addition upload to this forum. Many of us prefer not to visit file hosting sites of unknown provenance.
    Richard Buttrey

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  3. #3
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Seriously Dropbox unknown provenance!!!!
    I did explain why i could not upload.
    But thank you for your guidance

  4. #4
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    This is just a guess of what you can do. It is a guess because the picture just doesn't give the details necessary to do better. I have no idea what "Website" is because there isn't a worksheet with that name. However, you can probably solve your problem using a nested IF formula that has a formula for each value possible in G6. Treat each section as a separate formula so that when G6 equals that section, the proper formula is executed.
    This formula will most likely not work as it is but is intended to give you an idea on how to proceed.
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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  5. #5
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Quote Originally Posted by thorrrr View Post
    Seriously Dropbox unknown provenance!!!!
    I did explain why i could not upload.
    But thank you for your guidance
    I'm not entirely clear why a workbook in dropbox which you invite us to open is any more secure than a workbook uploaded here for us to open.
    Users are able to attach files directly to their posts and I never cease to wonder why anyone thinks it's of any advantage to do otherwise.

  6. #6
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Hi Guys Girls

    I am trying to get a new sales sheet to work with the maximum flexibility I have done 90% of it but need a little further help to finesse its flexibility. I have tried to explain in each area what I need to achieve.

    Sales Tab

    • SKU A6 Manual Entry
    • eBay, Amazon or Website B6 Dropdown Selection
    • Product Name E6 =Check Live Data tab
    • F6 & G6 Manual Entry
    • H6 Working OK
    • I6 Working OK
    • J6 The formula here must look at A6 & B6 to find what to lookup on the Sale Price Live Data Sheet**. If the SKU is not found on this sheet it then needs to look up the SKU on Own Stock Sheet look at A6 & B6 and extract the correct Sale Price***
    • K6 The formula here must look at A6 & B6 to find what to lookup on the eBay or Amazon sheet only (The Website is not subject to a Final Value Fee FVF) If the SKU is not found on this sheet it then needs to look up the SKU on Own Stock Sheet look at A6 & B6 and extract the correct FVF Price K or S eBay or Amazon

    There is some formulas already working for eBay but not looping through Own Stock Yet.
    I have uploaded the sheet to make it easier. Would like to maintain the Index Match functions if possible.

    **Live Data
    J = Website Sale Price
    L = eBay Sale Price
    M= Amazon Sale Price

    *** Own Stock
    K = eBay Sale Price
    S = Amazon Sale Price
    V =Website Sale Price
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  7. #7
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Here is a formula that seems to work for column J, Sale Price:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    The implementation of this formula requires some changes on the 'Own Stock' sheet where K1 needs to read "eBay" ('sales price' is removed), similarly S1 needs to read "Amazon" and V1 needs to read "Web Site". I'll try to get to the issue of column K later if someone else has not already offered a solution.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  8. #8
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Here is a proposed formula for column K applied to a copy of the worksheet:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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  9. #9
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Hi JeteMc

    That is looking great could i ask you to look at E6 formula i missed this one it is not picking up SKU off Own Stock page.
    See E7 not picking up the title could you please solve this in the copy of the sheet?

    I tried this =INDEX('Live Data'!B:B,MATCH(Sales!A6,'Live Data'!A:A,0)),INDEX('Own Stock'!$B:$B,MATCH([@SKU],'Own Stock'!$A:$A,0)) but keep getting an N/A

    Last edited by thorrrr; 01-29-2017 at 07:58 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Modify the formula in E6 so that it reads:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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  11. #11
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?


    I have now realised H6 Product Cost on Sales Sheet is only extracting Price from Live Data Sheet and i need it to look at Own Stock I column Cost Per Unit

  12. #12
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    I assume that column C (Cost) on the 'Own Stock' sheet is the column of prices that should be displayed. If that is correct then the formula in H6 could be written as:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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  13. #13
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Need for Phase 2 with all the formulas working I now need advice / help with columns X & Y
    My current situation is I only have column Y on my live sheet. I have some VBA done a few years ago by a helpful forum member.
    In essence and without boring you to death prices change daily so I needed a solution to fix the prices after a sale.
    As live data changes hourly I didn’t want my sales figures to keep changing.
    So when I select Y (Yes) in column Y it should fix the values in the following cells.
    H,J,K,Q and S this would lock down the sale
    VBA supplied**
    So I need to make sure the code is doing this.
    But I also need an option to have a refund which could be in column X OR added to the dropdown in column Y as Y = Fix Sale R=Refund
    The Refund needs to set columns H J F to £0.00 this should leave Profit showing £-0.20 as PayPal still charge the seller even after a refund.

    It would be better to build it into column Y and rename it Status.
    If this needs a new post please let me know I will recreate it in another forum topic.
    Also thank you for all your help so far as you can see I have done a lot myself but a few areas do not click with me still in Excel

    **Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    'dont do anything if multi cells selected or cell is not column V or is not input as "Y"
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Not Target.Column = 22 Then Exit Sub '22 = column V
    If Not UCase(Target) = "Y" Then Exit Sub

    'dont do anything if Profit shows an error ie info is incomplete
    If Evaluate("ISERROR(" & Target.Offset(0, -1).Address & ")") Then
    MsgBox "Line details are incomplete. Please check and try again!", vbOKOnly, "Sorry"
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Target = ""
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Exit Sub
    End If

    If MsgBox("Please confirm that you wish to fix this entry.", vbYesNo, "Confirm Details?") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    'if is the last row of table then add a dummy row to maintain the formulas
    r = Target.Row
    lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    If r = lr Then Cells(lr + 1, "A") = "NEXT ITEM"
    'change the row's formula results to hard value
    Range("A" & r & ":S" & r).Value = Range("A" & r & ":S" & r).Value

    End Sub

  14. #14
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    Re: Multiple Index Match on different sheets How?

    Here is a formula that will set Q6 if zero in the event that Amazon/Website is chosen in L6 :
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Let us know if you have any questions.

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