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trying to code is a test to see if a program/application is already running

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  1. #1
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    trying to code is a test to see if a program/application is already running

    I was wondering if someone could help me figure this out, I have the code to launch it working fine, however I forgot to take into account people may already have the program running which would cause an issue launching a second version.

    Im trying to code in a check before launching into the program launch however, it isn't working for me. Any ideas as always would be appreciated greatly. If the app check comes back true then I need to jump down to the check for login, which I think...

    Sub Darkside_Launch()
        Dim x As Variant
        Dim Path As String
        Dim s As New AutSess
        Dim autEclps As Object
            Set autEclps = CreateObject("Pcomm.auteclps")
            Set autECLOIA = CreateObject("Pcomm.autecloia")
            sApp = "3270 Terminal"
            If IsAppRunning(sApp) = True Then
            MsgBox ("Darkside is already Running")
        ' Set the Path variable equal to the path of your program's installation
             Path = "generic path"
             x = Shell("generic path", 0)
            End If
             Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"))
                s.SetConnectionByName ("A")
             If s.autEclps.SearchText("Userid . . . .") Then
                Login.Show vbModeless
             End If
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: trying to code is a test to see if a program/application is already running

    See if this helps,

    One test is worth a thousand opinions.
    Click the * Add Reputation below to say thanks.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert tim201110's Avatar
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    Re: trying to code is a test to see if a program/application is already running

    for example
    [CODEIf Tasks.Exists(Name:="Calc") = False Then
    Shell "Calc.exe", vbNormalFocus 'run calc
    Tasks.Item("Calc").Close 'exit calc
    End If][/CODE]
    Last edited by tim201110; 01-17-2017 at 04:47 PM. Reason: kirilitsa

  4. #4
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: trying to code is a test to see if a program/application is already running

    Not something I've tried, but this might give you food for thought.

    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  5. #5
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    Re: trying to code is a test to see if a program/application is already running

    Declare a public variable as Boolean

    At the start of your progran check if the flag is true, if it is then quit

    If Not then Set the Variable to true

    When the program ends set your variable to False

    This is an extract from a userform application:

    Public ChangeFlagAs Boolean
    Private Sub TelNo()
    If ChangeFlag = True Then Exit Sub
    ChangeFlag = True
    temp = TextBox5.Text
    NO = Replace(Me.Controls("Textbox" & T).Text, " ", "")
    If NO = "" Or Not IsNumeric(NO) Then GoTo 200
    Count = 1: Length = Len(NO)
    10 temp = Mid(NO, Count, 1)
    If Asc(temp) > 47 And Asc(temp) < 58 Then GoTo 20
    NO = Left(NO, Count - 1): If Count < Length Then NO = NO & Right(Text, Length - Count)
    Length = Length - 1: Count = Count - 1
    20 Count = Count + 1: If Count <= Length Then GoTo 10
    If Len(NO) > 4 Then NO = Left(NO, 4) & " " & Right(NO, Len(NO) - 4)
    If Len(NO) > 8 Then NO = Left(NO, 8) & " " & Right(NO, Len(NO) - 8)
    If Len(NO) > 13 Then NO = Left(NO, 13)
    Me.Controls("Textbox" & T).Text = NO
    200 ' exit
    ChangeFlag = False
    End Sub
    Last edited by mehmetcik; 01-17-2017 at 05:17 PM.
    My General Rules if you want my help. Not aimed at any person in particular:

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  6. #6
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    Re: trying to code is a test to see if a program/application is already running

    Thanks for the ideas, I have been to both the provided links prior to posting, and I am using the function provided by the second. I am however still not getting the desired result, It just blows through to launching a second version of the program even if the program is already open.

    based off what I have for code thus far, what would be the best course of action? also, thank you all again for the help thus far.

  7. #7
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    Re: trying to code is a test to see if a program/application is already running

    THe best course of action is to use the facilities provided by your application; PCOMMS in this case.

    PCOMMS provides a method to return the number of active terminal windows natively. For example:
    Sub GetTermCount()
       Dim autECLConnList as Object
       On Error Goto Catch
       Set autECLConnList = CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLConnList")
       MsgBox "There are " & cStr(autECLConnList.Count) & " terminal sessions running...", vbinformation
       Set autECLConnList = Nothing
       Exit sub
       MsgBox "ERROR: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Unable to get count of terminal sessions", vbExclamation, "Error"
       Resume Finally
    End Sub
    Written freehand and untested - PCOMMS not available on an Android tablet

  8. #8
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    Re: trying to code is a test to see if a program/application is already running

    Cytop thank you for pointing out the PCOMM portion I was missing, Used that with what I had and a few changes and boom we have a working line that tests, and logically moves through as required. Thank you to all you for the collaboration

    Sub Darkside_Launch()
        Dim x As Variant
        Dim Path As String
        Dim s As New AutSess
        Dim autEclps As Object, autECLConnList As Object
            Set autEclps = CreateObject("Pcomm.auteclps")
            Set autECLOIA = CreateObject("Pcomm.autecloia")
            Set autECLConnList = CreateObject("PCOMM.autECLConnList")
        If CStr(autECLConnList.Count) < 1 Then
        GoTo darksiderun
        If CStr(autECLConnList.Count) = 1 Then MsgBox ("Darkside is already running")
        GoTo VerifyLogin
        End If
        ' Set the Path variable equal to the path of your program's installation
             Path = "Generic.bat"
             x = Shell("Generic", 0)
             Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:10"))
                s.SetConnectionByName ("A")
             If s.autEclps.SearchText("Userid . . . .") Then
                Login.Show vbModeless
             End If
            Exit Sub
        Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:05"))
                s.SetConnectionByName ("A")
             If s.autEclps.SearchText("Userid . . . .") Then
                Login.Show vbModeless
                Exit Sub
             End If
    End Sub

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