I modified the date structure on the SPT FCST and SPT worksheets and made the same modification to the date row referenced on the Overview 2017 worksheet. I made real dates instead of combining month names with years.
The formula that I came up with is an INDEX/MATCH/MATCH formula using concatenated values to be looked up against concatenated columns. This is an array formula so enter with Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
=IF($E$5="Sales",IFERROR(INDEX(SPT!$E$3:$AC$100,MATCH($A43&$B43&$C43&$D43,SPT!$A$3:$A$100&SPT!$B$3:$B$100&SPT!$C$3:$C$100&SPT!$D$3:$D$100,0),MATCH('Overview 2017'!E$7,SPT!$E$2:$AC$2,0)),""),IFERROR(INDEX('SPT FCST'!$E$4:$R$100,MATCH($A43&$B43&$C43&$D43,'SPT FCST'!$A$4:$A$100&'SPT FCST'!$B$4:$B$100&'SPT FCST'!$C$4:$C$100&'SPT FCST'!$D$4:$D$100,0),MATCH('Overview 2017'!E$7,'SPT FCST'!E$3:R$3,0)),""))