I have a table with Unit Numbers in Column A (24A, 24B, 25A, 25B and so on) , Sale Month in Column B, Price in Column C and Stagewise Price Breakup (10 Stages) in Columns D to M.
Price Breakup is pre-defined (Like monthly installments) based on certain percentage applied to each stage and that payment becomes due when that particular stage is completed. These stagewise payments are not equal.
Time frame for each stage is also pre-defined i.e. if "Stage1" i.e. "Sale" happens in "Month1", then stage2 comes in Month2, Stage3 comes in Month4 and so on. There are 2 month gaps between certain stages. Once the Sale of specific Unit is made, then a specific month (For example Mar-17) will be applied as start month (For stage1) for that unit.
I have another sheet which looks like a running calender, which has Unit Numbers in Column A (same as the previous Data sheet) and Column B onwards have Months in the header row i.e. Feb-17, Mar-17, Apr-17 and so on till year 2020.
I am trying to figure out a way to automatically allocate values in the Data table to the Calender under specific months, in the row for the specific Unit No.
For example, if Unit 25B is sold in Mar-17, then I will enter "start Month" or "Stage1" as Mar-17 and the following stagewise Values (which are already pre-defined in the table) should be allocated in the calendar under correct month i.e. Stage2 value should fall under Apr-17, Stage3 Value should fall under Jun-17 and so on.
Can someone help please ! I would really appreciate it !