Hello Everyone!

I have the following problem...

Sheet1: Column A has quantities of items (#'s), Column B has one word written text descriptions, column C has dates... example:

(A)Quantity----(B)Cause of defect----(C)Dates
------------- -------------------- ---------

I need a formula to add the quantities in column A that fall into a specific month. I found that with this... =SUMPRODUCT((MONTH('Sheet1'!C$1:C$3)=2)*'Sheet1'!A$1:A$3)
and I get the desired total quantity for the month, in this case Feb, which is great *(in this example I would get 21 as my result). However, I want to add the quantity in Feb that does not include rows that have a defect "NWR" (Hoping in this case to get a result of 16). This is only an example, my spreadsheet has hundreds of entries.

I was thinking of adding, ('Sheet1'!B$1:B$3<>"NWR") in the mix somehow, but no matter how I add it I either get 0 for my result or "#Value". Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!