I wonder if there exist somewhere I can download a spreadsheet that makes it possible just to enter a year, and then get a planner/calendar where I can mark out when different people plan their vacations, time off, cources, seminars and so on?
The excel spreadsheet should have month, weeknumbers, days and dates horizontally, and the possibility to enter names vertically.

If this does not exist, do anyone know where I can find such spreadsheet for 2017 (free). I found one last year, but it whould have been easier for me with one I can use to generate the year I want.

Or can someone easily tell me how I can make such calendar myself? (just by dragging columns/cells, I know I can input day by day, week by week by week, month by month, but that will take a while).

I hope this was the right forum to post this question.

Kind regards,
Trond Martin!