Hi All
I am suddenly not receiving notification emails if there are responses to my posts....Any ideas
Hi All
I am suddenly not receiving notification emails if there are responses to my posts....Any ideas
Have another look at your email. The system burped a pile of notifications into my inbox a few minutes ago. This is what passes for normal in the wonderfully wacky world at the Excel Forum.
None of us get paid for helping you... we do this for fun. So DON'T FORGET to say "Thank You" to all who have freely given some of their time to help YOU
Hi Glenn
Thanks for response. When I say suddenly, I meant a couple of days ago.
No. they've been OK for the last few days (apart from a brief period this afternoon). for me, anyway...
Any settings I can make sure of
Does anyone know how I can solve this problem
Hi Dave
Thanks for response. Please excuse my ignorance...How do i contact a Moderator or Admin.
It's under FAQ at the top of this page. The question is on the list.
Can anyone please assist me.
Hi Glen
Yes, I did. It does not give me access.
It gives me the following message:
sintek, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Yeooo!!! I'm locked out, too.
Try contacting shg, JBeaucaire FDibbins or 6StringJazzer who are all on here very frequently. I see that another Mod, Richard Buttrey, is online at the moment...
What about the "Contact us" at the bottom of the screen? Are you locked out there, too?
That worked...Have just sent a message via contact...
Thanks guys.
You're welcome. Glad it worked, and thanks for the feedback.
Hey their All
I am still not receiving notification emails on my posts. The settings are correct and I have sent numerous messages via Contact to the Moderators. Still no luck. Can anyone perhaps direct me to someone who controls the settings. Am lost here!!!
Have you tried what Glenn Kennedy suggests in post #14? That's where I would go next.
Hi FlameRetired.
How do I contact the guys as suggested in #14
There are two ways off the top of my head. The long way ... Click members list at the top of any page and sear for specific name(s) or .... faster ... click Quick links also at the top. The drop down item "Who's online" should get you started. Unfortunately I don't recall how to get a list with the person's authorization status listed except through members list.
I just noticed FDibbins is online now.
Last edited by FlameRetired; 12-27-2016 at 03:39 PM.
sintek, hoe gaan dit?
I have checked your profile and cannot see anything obvious amiss, I will push this up to the tech team
1. Use code tags for VBA. [code] Your Code [/code] (or use the # button)
2. If your question is resolved, mark it SOLVED using the thread tools
3. Click on the star if you think someone helped you
Hallo Daar FDibbins.
Dit gaan baie goed dankie, en self?
Thank you for your response. Appreciate the time. Very annoying to have to log on and refresh each time to see if there have been in responses to posts.
Thanks FlameRetired.
FDibbins has responded. Will await feedback.
sintek, you're welcome.![]()
Hi All
My problem has still not been addressed. Any ideas please.
Hi sintek
_A) Have you checked in your settings that you have the correct E mail
Settings --- Edit Email & Password
_B) Are you aware that you can use your User Control Panel as an alternative to refreshing:
The User Control Panel is very reliable and has always worked even when many other things have not.
Three ways to get to it
_2_ User CP ( User Control Panel, UCP ) Button
_1_ Settings Button
_3_ Link http://www.excelforum.com/usercp.php
UserCP123.JPG http://imgur.com/dQnVdHv
Posts that you subscribe to with recent replies will be shown typically under
Subscribed Threads with New Posts
If you Hit View all Subscribed Threads you will see all your subscribed threads in one go, ( with those with the most recent replies at the top).
SubscribedThreadsNewPosts.JPG http://imgur.com/JJIzXxd
After Hitting View all Subscribed Threads you should get a complete list of all your subscribed Threads:
AllSubscribedThreads.JPG http://imgur.com/z8WwIl7
Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 01-16-2017 at 07:01 AM.
'_- Google first, like this _ site:ExcelForum.com Gamut
Use Code Tags: Highlight code; click on the # icon above,
Post screenshots COPYABLE to a Spredsheet; NOT IMAGES PLEASE![]()
http://excelmatters.com/excel-forums/ ( Scrolll down to bottom )
Hi Alan
Thanks for your response. Will make use of UserCp from now on. Will also make use of Sub Forum Suggestions for Improvement.
Hi sintek
You are welcome, thanks for the feedback.
If you look down the list of Threads in the Sub Forum Suggestions for Improvement, then you can sometimes find similar Threads there on your problem.
If you have a very similar problem to that in an existing Thread , then you could post a reply in that Thread to bring the Theme up again.
But your problem appears very unusual. There were many problems in the past with E mail notifications. But currently you seem to be the only one with a problem
If you find no Threads discussing a problem like yours, then start a new Thread there.
If you choose to start a new Thread there on your current problem, then make sure you include the URL bar reference to this Thread( Possibly a Moderator will then move and merge this Thread to that Sub Forum )HTML Code:
Hope you get the problem solved. Having no E mail notification can be very frustrating.
But the User Control Panel is a very good alternative. Many regulars use that as an alternative anyway to E Mail Notifications.
Thanks for the Rep
ThanksForTheRep.JPG http://imgur.com/iRdUQBa
Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 01-16-2017 at 07:15 AM.
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