Hi guys
Restaurant managers in our business can order five-pound note's to be used as change in their tills
Every week they fill out a form and email it to me. I save each file to my hard drive then auto populate a master sheet which I then send to the bank for processing
On the sheet the managers use, I need to set data validation so that they only order five pound note's that meet two criteria. These are
'must be in multiples of £100'
'must be minimum £500'
'user still needs to be able to enter zero' (for use when they don't want any five's)
I have used data validation > custom validation > formula "=MOD(D16,100)=0"
This triggers a warning if the user does not enter a multiple of £100
I am stuck on how to join a string of formula that will enforce the criteria 'no entries between 1-499'
Can anyone help?