
I have a data-set that I am trying to make a "stacked histogram" for.

Say you are manufacturing a bunch of screws. You have three different types of machines making these screws (Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3). Now, you want to see how often a screw is made with a specific length.

I want the x-axis to hold a range of values for screw size with a specified bin size (ie: screw lengths that fall between 20-22mm, 22-24mm, etc).
On the y-axis I want to keep a count of # of instances (ie: 10 total screws were made that were 20-22mm long).

However, I want to maintain the ability to see how many screws of each length each "type" of machine contributed to the total made (ie: for the 10 total screws made that were 20-22mm long, Type 1 made 7 of those, Type 2 made 2, and Type 3 made 1).

Thanks for the help.