Let us know where you get stuck -- Never mind.
If you want to get around the array function part, you can either use the COUNTIFS() function for each cell, or nest the FREQUENCY() function inside of an INDEX() function
Assuming bins are in A33 down
B33 =COUNTIFS(B$2:B$26,"<"&$A33)
B34 =COUNTIFS(B$2:B$26,"<"&$A33,B$2:B$26,">="&$A34)
B35 and down copy of B34
copy B33:B?? across to column J
Or B33=INDEX(FREQUENCY(B$2:B$26,$A33:$A??),rows($A$33:$A33)) copied down and across as needed. For someone who is not "comfortable" with spreadsheet formulas, be sure to note how I used a mix of relative and absolute references to make copying easy.