Your observation is correct, that the help file demonstrates a lot of cosmetic formatting. However, data layout in the spreadsheet is often a key part of creating stacked charts, and MS's example shows how to arrange the data in the spreadsheet. Did you take notice of how they arranged the data in the example (territory down the left column, quarter across the top, values in the body of the table)? I would expect something just like that for your data. If you match MS's example, you will have screw length down the left of your table, machine type across the top, contribution in the body of the table.
This sounds like you may have made a good attempt, but Excel misread your desired series assignments on chart creation (Excel has a bad habit of this). After creating the chart, did you go into the Source Data dialog to see what ranges Excel assigned to each value series, the horizontal axis series, etc.? I find that I must frequently go into this dialog to correct Excel's misunderstandings.With the stacked column chart, it succeeds in showing total contribution to the whole for each type, but the "type" is length (as opposed to machine type) and the x-axis is row #.