To expand on this a little further.. with the stacked column chart Excel is plotting cumulative length on the y-axis. I have 25 rows worth of data. Within each row, it is summing up the values in each column and showing the total contribution of each type of machine to that cumulative length.
Instead, I would like the y-axis to have the number of times a screw falls between a range specified on the x-axis. I felt like a histogram better encompassed this notion, however I couldn't get those values to "stack" and show the total contribution to the whole of each machine type.
With the stacked column chart, it succeeds in showing total contribution to the whole for each type, but the "type" is length (as opposed to machine type) and the x-axis is row #.
I'm thinking that I may have to run an excel formula beforehand to organize things in a way that it likes - my Excel exposure is limited though as I have never explicitly enjoyed using it and as such I'm not a guru.