If Reported Date is a workday (8/5/2016) and occurred before 6 AM (between 12:00:01 AM – 5:59:59 AM), then the New Date = 8/5/2016 @ 6 AM
If Reported Date is a workday (8/5/2016) and occurred between 6 AM – 6 PM (11:00:00 AM), then the New Date = 8/5/2016 @ 11 AM
If Reported Date is a workday (Friday 8/5/2016) and occurred after 6 PM (10:00:00 PM), then the New Date = 8/8/2016 @ 6 AM
If Reported Date is a workday (Thursday 8/4/2016) and occurred after 6 PM (10:00:00 PM), then the New Date = 8/5/2016 @ 6 AM …Next business day @ 6 AM
If Reported Date is a weekend (Saturday 8/6/2016) and occurred anytime, then the New Date = 8/8/2016 @ 6 AM ……Next business day @ 6 AM

How can I get this resolved?