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Column D Current Region

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  1. #1
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    Column D Current Region

    Hi folks,
    to set the current region as column A (1,1) works

    But I need Column D Cell 2 ie D2

    Set otest = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 4).CurrentRegion

    Also what about the next column ie E2 in relation to this current region

    is this correct?


  2. #2
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Ranging from Cells to Member Areas. ‘A Member Wonks. EP .CurrentRegion Property

    Ranging from Cells to Member Areas. ‘A Member Wonks. EP .CurrentRegion Property

    Hi sl__
    It is not clear to me exactly what you are asking.
    But possibly this will help ...

    The VBA Range .CurrentRegion Property of a Range Object ( I note that You are using a single Cell Object, but that is also a Range Object and so Range Object Properties may be applied to it) , returns a new Range Object which is that of a “box” or rectangular area of contiguous cells which, ( starting from the Top Left of the Range Object, ( The Cell Object in your case ) ), extends until it “touches” no more cells with anything in them. In other words, the .CurrentRegion Property of a Range Object returns a new Range Object which is the first ( starting looking from the Top Left ) rectangular area ( “box” ) bounded by empty Cells, or the spreadsheet boundaries, that is to say bounded by a rectangle perimeter which is built from a 1 cell “width” or the Spreadsheet boundaries

    For example , In the following examples,
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 4).CurrentRegion
    returns the Range Object shown in Yellow. In Red is shown the Bounding Perimeter Cells.

    Using Excel 2007 32 bit
    Bee4 EFor

    Using Excel 2007 32 bit
    Bee1 E Won Gees Won Two Sicks
    Dee2 FToo GeesWonTwoSicks
    Bee4 EFor GeesWonTwoSicks
    See Sicks GeesWonTwoSicks

    So in the above examples, I “start looking around me” from cell D2 and find the first enclosing empty rectangular Perimeter ”built” with cells “building blocks” or the Worksheet boundary

    The Range Object and Range Object Properties are probably one of the most important things to get to grips with. But it can be tricky
    Take a look at these Members:...

    1) Cells and Range Property Members
    _....One thing that can really confuse is that The Range Object has a Range Property and a Cells Property. Those two properties can be used to adjust “ where you are “ or “ you get returned “ etc..etc... .....

    _1a ) Cells property.
    Consider again the first Spreadsheet example, but I use this code line now

    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 4).Cells(0, -1).CurrentRegion

    Here the Cells Property is applied to the Range Object D4 ( your Cell Object Cell(2, 4 ) ). That takes us one cell back up, and two cells back to the left returning the Range Object B1. Applying the CurrentRegion Property to that new Range Object returns us the single cell Range Object, as shown again in yellow:

    Using Excel 2007 32 bit

    Note the subtle convention there:
    Property Cell( 1, 1 ) “stays where you are”, - First cell Top left of where you start;
    Property Cell( 0, 0 ) “ takes you one back left and one back up”
    http://excelmatters.com/referring-to-ranges-in-vba/ .....


    _1b) Range Property
    Take the above one step ( or Property ) further and we reveal something quite interesting, ( depending on your Member preferences...)
    Consider this code line
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 4).Cells(0, -1).Range("A1:B2").CurrentRegion
    The Range Property .Range("A1:B2") now “works” on the Range Object, B1, ( which we obtained in _1a) ) to return us the new Range Object starting at B1 and extending over the 4 cell rectangular area got by extending 2 to the right and 2 down, ( looking from cell B1 ) shown in Green here:


    Here is a subtlety:
    _ 1c) Member .CurrentRegion v .Value applied to the same Range Object
    You might have expected the .CurrentRegion Property now to extend such as to cause the .CurrentRegion Property to “start” in the area B1:C2 and then extend out so as to include the Cell D2. I know I did!! _---
    _---I do know that if I apply the .Value Property instead to the same Range, such_..
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 4).Cells(0, -1).Range("A1:B2").Value
    _...then I get returned back a Field ( Array ) containing 4 Elements with the values of those cells, B1:C2, in them.
    But In fact for the .CurrentRegion Property applied to the same Range Object
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 4).Cells(0, -1).Range("A1:B2").CurrentRegion
    I am retuned just the cell B1 again.

    Even if I extend my Range Object over a massive Area. With this_..
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 4).Cells(0, -1).Range("A1:ZZ10000").CurrentRegion
    _... I am still returned just Cell B1

    Once Again the answer is: “....CurrentRegion Property of a Range Object returns a new Range Object which is the first starting looking from the Top Left rectangular area ( “box” ) bounded by empty Cells, or the spreadsheet boundaries....”


    _2) .CurrentRegion Property Member ( Applied to entire Worksheet )
    May be this helps again to answer your main Question.

    Going back to my first screen shot. Use either of these to apply the .CurrentRegion to the entire Worksheet. ( For XL 2007 + ) with either of these lines_...

    _.... the resulting retuned Range Object is A1:B1 as shown in yellow :


    note: I “started looking around me from A1” . ( I was “looking from” Top Left ( Cell A1 ) ) so did not look at Cell A1 and could not therefore consider that cell ( I would have “looked at it” if I looked from cell B2 as I did in a previous example )

    So to re iterate what is going on one last time. The .CurrentRegion Property applied to a Range Object will return a Range Object that is the first one it “sees” ( starting looking from the Top Left of the Range Object ) that can be enclosed in a rectangular perimeter made from Cells of “width” of one cell, or a combination of that and the Worksheet Boundaries. Not a lot of people know that I expect: The documentation is crap, and I only “discovered it” as I tried to answer this Thread


    _3) Member Areas

    A last point, just for completeness. Strictly speaking a Range Object is not a rectangular Area of contiguous cells. It can include many such areas across a single Worksheet. Strictly speaking, the code lines I used above are not correct., or not Explicitly Pedantic enough.. But as often, VBA guesses what you mean. In this case it assumed there was only one rectangular area in the Range Object, so it referenced the Area within that Range Object having the Item number of 1, corresponding to the first ( and only one in this case ) assigned to the Range Object. VBA actually interprets the first code line as
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 4).CurrentRegion as Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(2, 4).Areas.Item(1).CurrentRegion.
    You can check that in any codes you may have by including the .Areas.Item(1) . you will see that that inclusion will do no harm..


    Hope that was some insight.. ( it was for me .. )...


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  3. #3
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    Smile Re: Column D Current Region

    Hi Alan,

    thanks for taking the time and effort to write up this in depth guide.

    I am really bad with current regions - though I try.

    I will need some time to digest it all and come to my own understanding.

    I was in essence trying to only target D2 column and E2 Column, but the current region function is very perplexing to me

    oh well

    thanks again for your stellar response and guide



  4. #4
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: Column D Current Region

    Hi Sl
    Quote Originally Posted by sl729 View Post
    I am really bad with current regions - though I try.
    thanks again for your stellar response and guide
    Thanks for the Feedback. I thought I knew what the .CurrentRegion did. Then as I tried to answer your question I realised that did not. I think I do now. None of the literature says what I learned and found out !!

    There are infinite ways to “get at” or reference two columns. The CurrentRegion may not be the best way. Usually you just find out the last row in the columns you are interested in. That is easy. Then you reference your range as up to that last row.

    If you try to show exactly what you are trying to do, then we may be able to suggest something better...

    But it does no harm to digest the CurrentRegion Info. If you mange to understand what I wrote, then we may be the only two people that fully understand it. .. L0l.. Many professionals told me it was the Range extending to cover all cells connected to through cells with something in them to the Range Object it is applied to. I found out when I experimented Today that that was wrong ). The key is
    Look from the Top Left Cell of the Range object to which I apply the .CurrentRegion to,
    ( that was D2 in your example )
    Find the first clear Perimeter ( what I showed in Red )
    Then the range within that perimeter is my returned Range Object


    ( P.s. If you want to “show” us then check out for example the last bit here_....
    http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...post4478582For _....for suggested ways to do that

  5. #5
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    Re: Column D Current Region

    Hi Alan,

    I was trying to learn how to use the current region as i see it in various macros.
    I avoid these macros as I always get stuck on the current region, and then you have the offset and it gets a bit messy.

    In this Example I was testing to see if I could list some cells in Column D to format in current worksheet.

    Column D - Cells to Format | Column E - Font Name

    H122 | Candara
    X124 | Arial

    The below is just for illustration - I dont need a working version.
    It would be useful to know if I targeted the current region cells in the correct manner - which I have not.

    Sub Format_Cells()
        Dim oCellRng As Range
        Dim oCellTarget As Range
        Set oCellRng = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 4).CurrentRegion  ' Cells to Format  Column D
        Set OFontName = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 5).CurrentRegion  'Font Name  to Apply to Cells Listed in  Column D (Column E)
        For Each oCellTarget In oCellRng.Rows
            With oCellTarget
            ActiveSheet.Range(.Cells(1).Value).Select ActiveSheet.Range(.Cells(2).Value).Font.Name ' This is tricky bit
            End With
    End Sub
    There are easier ways to do what I am trying to do - but it would be nice not to run every time I see the current region

    thank you


  6. #6
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Use CurrentRRegion ( If you must,.. Lol.. ;) ) to get the last Row in a Range

    From the syntax point of view, your use of CurrentRegion is fine.

    I think once you have digested what I wrote about Current Region, then you will probably see that you are doing something a bit strange.. Lol... ( But I could be talking rubbish if Ihave not twigged to exactly what you are doing )

    In your code, both these lines _...
     Set oCellRng = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 4).CurrentRegion  ' Cells to Format  Column D
     Set OFontName = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 5).CurrentRegion  'Font Name  to Apply to Cells Listed in  Column D (Column E)
        For Each oCellTarget In oCellRng.Rows
    _... return exactly the same Range Object, shown as I did before:..

    Using Excel 2007 32 bit
    H122 Candara
    X124 Arial
    So your returned Range object is for both
    that is to say, you get
    Set oCellRng=Range("D1:E2")
    Set oCellTarget=Range("D1:E2")

    I am not sure if that is what you intended ?

    I cannot see what you want to do exactly with the rest of your code. It makes no sense from the syntax point of view.

    Possibly you are wanting to use the CurrentRegion to determine the Ranges of column D and E up to the last entry. That is not often done with the CurrentRegion , as there is the danger it will catch a bigger Area then you want, as in my second screen shown in Post #2. In your simple example it would work_...... ( assumes both ranges start and stop in the same row and that there are no empty rows between the first and last used rows ) _.... Like this:

    Sub Format_Cells()   '   http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1155473&p=4479200#post4479200
    'use CurrentRegion to Set Ranges of used cells in columns D and E
    Dim LrD As Long ' This will be the last used Row in Column D                                         '  '  Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in.  '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. )
    Dim SrD As Long, RwsCnt As Long ' This will be the the start row of data in Column D, and the number of used rows in column D
    Dim CurrAntRegion  As Range
     Set CurrAntRegion = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 4).CurrentRegion
     Let SrD = CurrAntRegion.Row ' Row Property of a Range object Returns the Start Row as a Long Number
     Let RwsCnt = CurrAntRegion.Rows.Count ' .Rows property returns an object containing Info. about the Rows in a Range. One of this info is the Property .Count, which returns a long number equal to the number of rows in the range
     Let LrD = SrD + (RwsCnt - 1) ' Simple Maths to get the last row when yoou know the first row and the number of rows
    'Use last row info obtained in the setting of the ranges
    Dim oCellRng As Range, oCellTarget As Range
     Set oCellRng = ActiveSheet.Range("D" & SrD & ":D" & LrD & "") ' Cells to Format  Column D
     Set oCellTarget = ActiveSheet.Range("E" & SrD & ":E" & LrD & "")  ' Cells to Format  Column D
    ' Or simplified
     Set oCellRng = ActiveSheet.Range("D" & CurrAntRegion.Row & ":D" & CurrAntRegion.Row + (CurrAntRegion.Rows.Count - 1) & "")
     Set oCellTarget = ActiveSheet.Range("E" & CurrAntRegion.Row & ":E" & CurrAntRegion.Row + (CurrAntRegion.Rows.Count - 1) & "")

    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 09-13-2016 at 01:09 PM.

  7. #7
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    Re: Column D Current Region

    Hi Alan,

    thanks for sharing your wisdom.

    Excel is incredibly complex and has its quirks, especially when it malfunctions thanks to newbie coders
    who always come up with syntactically incorrect code.
    I think we can be forgiven, part of our code growing pains.

    When I tested the current region on a basic cell yesterday it selected something completely different,
    which perplexed me no end - hence posting this thread.

    Thanks for helping out with all the code snippets.

    I can play about with them and get to grips with basic cells and then ranges, and then current regions when I select a column

    Have a great day!


  8. #8
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: Column D Current Region

    You is welcome

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