Hi There,

I am trying to do a index match match where the column number is determined by two rows. Row 3 essentially goes 'Jul-16', 'Jul-16', 'Jul-16', Aug-16, Aug-16, Aug-16, Sep-17,... and so on. Row 4 goes 'Minor', 'Major', 'Total', Minor, Major, Total, Minor... and so on.

First question is can I create match based on multiple criteria? or do I need to create a dummy row? I have assumed the later???

I have created a dummy row in row 2, So I have in row 2 gone A3&A4, and are trying to match to this.

My total formula goes =INDEX($A$2:$AK$22,MATCH("a",$A$2:$A$22,0),MATCH($A$30&$B30,$A$2:$AK$2,0)) where $A$30 is the date from a drop down list and $B30 in this case is 'Minor'.

The problem I am getting is with the '$A$30&$B30' not being found with in '$A$2:$AK$2' and it returns a #N/A????

Can anybody please help?

