
I'm a bit rusty with parsing out text and hope that someone has a forumla for me to use. Here's a few examples:

M RTG 1525; MY HGR-P-T 100042; RPT 100721 (this is in one cell) I need each number in a different cell
M RTG 1525; MY ROV/HPP/HGG 100042; RPT 100721 (this is in one cell) I need each number in a different cell
R HRX 36180; 174021 (this is in one cell) I need each number in a different cell
M RTG 1526 (Testing data) Copied to my version ROV/HPP/HGG 100248 and RPT 101505 (this is in one cell) I need each number in a different cell

There is no consistency to the madness.