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Cannot Apply Conditional Formatting to Excel Workbook

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  1. #1
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    Cannot Apply Conditional Formatting to Excel Workbook

    I cannot seem to apply _any_ conditional formatting to my Excel workbook. All I want to do is apply a color scale
    to a particular column range, but for some reason the formatting just does not apply. I have had this set on this
    particular range of cells before, but I have recently changed the source data. I have cleared all existing rules from
    the workbook, but this has not helped; when I try and reapply the formatting, nothing happens.

    I am happy to share the workbook if anyone thinks they can help me.

    Thanks very much for your time.

  2. #2
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    Re: Cannot Apply Conditional Formatting to Excel Workbook

    My guess would be that the source data is in text format, not tested, but I'm quite sure that colour scale formatting only works with numeric values.

  3. #3
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    Re: Cannot Apply Conditional Formatting to Excel Workbook

    I have set the formatting explicitly. I had thousand separators as formatting and I found another issue where
    I could not remove them. I have now removed them by hand but still no luck. I have posted the workbook
    here (https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resi...nt=file%2cxlsx).
    If you could take a look it'd be most appreciated.

  4. #4
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    Re: Cannot Apply Conditional Formatting to Excel Workbook

    As I said previously, your source data is in text format, that is why you couldn't remove the thousand separators by changing the format.

    Any time that you try to change formatting on numbers and it doesn't work that will be the reason why.

    If you go to the SquashLevels sheet, then select G1 (double click to enter edit mode) and move the cursor within the text, you will see that there is a space before the first digit, and another one after, whenever this happens, the data is text, and is formatted as such, even when it looks like a number.

    Another giveaway, is where you have entered =G1 into J1, the number is on the left side of J1. Text defaults to the left side, numbers would default to the right.

    The spaces in your sheet are not normal spaces, but can be removed easily.

    Go to the SquashLevels sheet, and make sure that you only have a single cell selected.

    Check that Num Lock on your computer is on (you need to use the number pad).

    Press Ctrl h to open the find and replace dialogue box.

    Click into the Find box, then hold down the Alt key, and type 0160 on the number pad (using the number keys along the top of the keyboard will not work).

    Release the Alt key.

    Click into the Replace box and check that it is empty.

    Click Replace All.

    That should have now cleared all of the stray characters from your data source and allow you to format numbers correctly (the problem was in columns B:H, not just column G).

    Hope all that makes sense.

  5. #5
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    Re: Cannot Apply Conditional Formatting to Excel Workbook

    Thank you very much for your time. This is great information that I just wasn't aware of.

    You time is most appreciated.

  6. #6
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    Re: Cannot Apply Conditional Formatting to Excel Workbook

    Thank you very much for your time. This was information I just wan not aware of.

    Massive help...

  7. #7
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Cannot Apply Conditional Formatting to Excel Workbook

    I have set the formatting explicitly.
    Formatting does not change the underlying contents of a cell, only the cosmetics of how it appears. If teh cell contains text, no amount of formatting will change that.
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  8. #8
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Cannot Apply Conditional Formatting to Excel Workbook

    Happy to help

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