Hello everybody!
I am new here so I hope I won't accidentally breach any rulesI tried searching but my problem is very difficult to look for because there are so many problems with different kinds of ranges.
This is my problem:
I want to place a formula =COUNTIFS which goes like this:
=COUNTIFS('Sheet1 '!$F$2:$F$445;C88; 'Sheet2'!$V$2:$V$445;"15<=>=30")
and I have a problem with this part: "15<=>=30"
This is supposed to count the records only if in a range $V$2:$V$445 there are numbers: (15, 16, 17, 18, ...., 29, 30). I thought that this "15<=>=30" should work just fine but it didn't count correctly so it looks like I've made a mistake. Could someone please help me? Excel doesn't see a problem with this part of the formula, there are no errors but when I search manually through my spreadsheet, I can see a record matching my criteria but COUNTIFS doesn't see this record.
How to correctly indicate in my formula that I am interested only in counting numbers that are "equal or greater than 15 AND equal or smaller than 30"?
The first part of my formula (not in bold) works just fineI also don't have a problem when I want to count, for example, something greater than 30. Or something smaller than 15. But I can't correctly place a range of numbers.
Thank you in advance for your help!