I'm trying to have the date in the mm/dd/yy format but it keeps reverting to dd/mm/yy. I have tried everything I know minus starting over from scratch. So formatting the cell and picking the correct format will not work.
any ideas
I'm trying to have the date in the mm/dd/yy format but it keeps reverting to dd/mm/yy. I have tried everything I know minus starting over from scratch. So formatting the cell and picking the correct format will not work.
any ideas
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Force excel to view your date in A1 as text:Formula:
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If it is not important to you then it definitely is not important to me.
Apply format 1st, then paste your data as values.
Don't the regional settings in Windows dictate to Excel what format the dates will be in?
You could always manipulate them as text.
Ensure you describe your problem clearly, I have little time available to solve these problems and do not appreciate numerous changes to them.
I cannot recreate the problem. I can pick whatever date format I want for the given date (see sample). I entered a random date into the spreadsheet and formatted with the indicate number formats. What I see is indicated in column 3. Does your machine change all of my formatted numbers to something other than what I indicate?
You should be able to format your dates either way. I cannot explain why Excel will not allow you to format your dates (and I generally do not like converting dates to text strings, as I think that makes them harder to work with). Are there any macros running that would be changing your date formats?
Originally Posted by shg
Check your Regional Settings for date formats in the Control Panel. They are probably not correct.
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