Thanks for the reply:
1) I have altered the new calendar so that day one of treatment will populate as the day OF the date. Thus if there was a 'day 0' it would be entered as Day 1 and hence forth be known as day 1.
2) There can be appointments on weekends and holidays, however, the protocol can't END on a weekend or holiday. So if the protocol sequence is 1,2,3,5,7,10,15 for example, day 15 can not fall on a weekend or holiday, but all the other days can. If the sequence was 1,3,5,6, 10, 12 for example, 1, 3, 5, 6 and 10 could all land on any day (weekends and holidays inclusive) but day 12 must not land on a holiday or weekend.
3) Surgeries will always be the last day of the sequence, as denoted in 2). This block, days to avoid surgeries, could also be labeled 'holidays'. As any dates in this block should signify that surgeries cannot land on these dates.
4) To clarify, weekends and the added 'holidays' or 'dates to avoid surgeries' should never have the last day of the protocol sequence land on them. The last day of any entered protocol sequence will always be a surgery.
Thanks for the advice, generally speaking there would only ever be one calendar running at any one time. If it makes it any easier, we could lock in the protocol days as 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16. Thus making the only variables, the start date, the amount of groups, and the holidays.