Hi Everyone,

I have been trawling the web for assistance with this but it is proving to be well over my head. Here is the background of what I am trying to do.

I am a medical researcher and, without being modest, we are trying to reduce the negative side effects chemotherapy treatment, whilst improving its cancer killing ability! Pretty cool! But to do that we need to make treatment protocols and at the moment we are doing it by hand (as we arent very excel savvy) and entering all the information into the calendar which could be made more efficient.

This is what I am trying to do.

Have a calendar that autopopulates 2 months depending on the start date of the treatment schedule (ie I want to start the protocol on the 5/5/2016, thus May and June would be created)
Have a question that asks, when would you like to start and what is your treatment protocol (this should be answered as the 5/5/2016 and Days 0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 )
Have a question that asks, how many groups are in the protocol? (this would then create x amount of groups ie 10.) and give a space to name the group.
From these two questions, the formula should then populate the calendar with group one starting on 5/5 with Group Name 1, Day 0, 6/5 Group name 2 day 0 (then under that cell in the same day) Group name 1 day 1, 7/5 (Group name 3 day 0, group name 2 day) and so on.
What makes this difficult, is I need to make sure that the protocol final day in the manually detmerined protocol does not land on a saturday or sunday, or land on a pre determined 'holiday'.

Is this possible? Ive got a spreadsheet now that autocreates one month based on the start date (but i need two) and identifies days which are weekends and manually entered "holidays" as false.

Any direction would be great, I'm not even sure what to search for for this.

Thanks a million!
