Not sure if my post will help you but I'm guessing you're highlighting cells on Sheet2 Column A1:A4 then dragging them down to whatever row you need, right?
I'm sure you've noticed but it's going:
Where 4 is the amount of cells you highlighted to drag down. Shg probably has the most reasonable answer to this but could a this website link work for your purposes?
I have a feeling that Excel is purposely designed to prevent you from increasing based on the formulaic differences (in this context 5) versus continuing to repeat. The drag formula I believe was designed to be only used with simplistic numerical operations (N,N+X,N+X2,N+X3, etc) where + can be replaced with any + / - / * / % operator.
*Also* the disparity between what you wrote is a bit puzzling too.. You say every 5th line has a name and the corner cell of Excel is A1. If A1 has no name and A5 does. Wouldn't you be counting from A1, 2, 3, 4, A5? You somehow go from a 5 (A1 to A6) then continue on with increments of 4. This might be due to the way your spacing / number counting in your head on sheet 1 is contributing to the issue possibly.