Hi very new to excel but having to learn fast lol.
Ok I have a spread sheet, now I need to know the difference between 2 times that are past midnight,
I use IF(F11>F12,1+F12,F12)-F11.
this works but i don't want this number to appear

I want to identify is 2 times have a difference less than 11 (they may be each side of midnight), if they do equal less than 11 i don't want to see the number just turn 1 of the numbers red normally the Later letter one.... eg if the calculation is difference between e4 and d3 then e4 should turn red to identify an issue.
if e4 - d3 <11,1+e4 - d3 <11 then turn e4 red but don't show the result of the sum
hope thats enough info