Hi guys. I have spreadsheets that record productivity. in Column A the date is recorded in cell A1 and the time of product packaging is recorded in susequent cells in Column A. The following days productivity are all recorded in Column A also. So Column A looks like........A1=01/01/2016, A2=08:00, A3=08:45, A4=09:27, A5=11:23, A6=14:18...........A9=02/01/2016, A10=06:12, A11=06:49, A12=09:52........ect. How do I replace the Cells with a time value with the date of production? So Column A returns A1=01/01/2016, A2=01/01/2016, A3=01/01/2016...............A9=02/01/2016, A10=02/01/2016, A11=02/01/2016.....ect. You help much appreciated.