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Data validation problem (double drop down list)

  1. #1
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    Question Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    SOLVED BY WORKAROUND MENTIONED BY Kevin, but haven't found any reason to why this has happend!

    I have been searching for a answer to this problem, but I can't find anything online.
    I have a cell range that uses Data validation -> Allow -> List.
    The problem is that on the first cell in the range (on many different sheets) a additional dropdown list appears in front of the cell when I protect the sheet. This means I can't select the cell to get the actual drop down list to display.

    The list "covering" the cell:

    The list if I choose another cell and navigate to the actual cell with the arrow keys it works:

    I guess there is a simple solution to this problem, but I just can't seem to find it. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
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    Last edited by bilenberg; 03-23-2016 at 09:06 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    please post your workbook WITHOUT any protection (desensitize any data) and explain how you are protecting the worksheet. Will try to protect and recreate the error.
    To attach a workbook:
    -click on reply
    -then "Go Advanced"
    -then look below for "Manage Attachments"

  3. #3
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    Thx for your interest in this matter!
    It's a quite large workbook, but the part of the workbook, or one of the parts, where the problem occurs is attached here.
    Now I noticed that the problem occures even though the sheet is not protected, but in this case I can still select the cell by clicking on it, and if the sheet is protected, I have to navigate to it with the arrow keys on the keyboard.

    Any suggestions are very much appreciated.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    I have not investigated why the problem occurred, but here is a fix:

    On sheet "Crew List"
    -click on View Tab and check the "Headings" box so that row numbers are visible
    -right click on row10 and select Insert (= insert new row)
    -enter same values as row9 into row10 (columns A,B,C,E,F)
    -right click on row9 and select Delete
    -click on View Tab and uncheck the "Headings" box so that row numbers are not visible

  5. #5
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    Thank you, I will try this approach...
    Its quite interesting, because the same issu suddenly occurred on several of my "input sheets" in the workbook.

  6. #6
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    I have never seen this happen before. It could be a "bug" in Excel2016
    Did it start to happen AFTER you upgraded to Excel2016?
    You say that it happens on several input sheets - does it always occur only in first cell (in any column) with data validation?

  7. #7
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    It is possible that it happend after updating to Excel 2016. I'm using the workbook on a public workplace computer with Excel 2013, and after making "core changes" to the workbook on my personal computer (cant't remember if it happend after updating to Excel 2016) the problem occurred for the first time. Sadly I did't notice it directly, so I don't have a old version where this problem dosn't occurre. So I can't simulate the similar conditions to find out when it happend.

    For most parts it's only on the firs cell in every column using data validation, however, I noticed one place where it happend on the first and last cell in a column.

  8. #8
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    In that case, I do not think we can analyse the cause further.
    After testing the workaround can you mark the thread as solved?

  9. #9
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    This woraround works fine for solving the problem in hand... However, in my case, where the workbook is quite large and have a lot of references to the cell in question, there can be quite a lot of work to duoble check and correct all references to the cell in hand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin# View Post
    I have not investigated why the problem occurred, but here is a fix:

    On sheet "Crew List"
    -click on View Tab and check the "Headings" box so that row numbers are visible
    -right click on row10 and select Insert (= insert new row)
    -enter same values as row9 into row10 (columns A,B,C,E,F)
    -right click on row9 and select Delete
    -click on View Tab and uncheck the "Headings" box so that row numbers are not visible

  10. #10
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    Here is a simple macro that you could add to the workbook to identify every cell that has data validation
    Creates sheet called "DataValidation" and writes list (by sheet) of all cells with data validation

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  11. #11
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    Thx, this will be very helpful. Thank you for your interesti in this matter Kevin# ....

  12. #12
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    After cleaning up my workbook I actually noticed when the problem occurs.
    It seems to happen in Excel 2016;
    when saving the workbook, all cells with "data validation->list" that is selected gets this problem when saving and cloasing the workbook. However, this dosen't happen in Excel 2013, so it seems to be a Excel 2016 problem.

    So, it is possible to clean up a workbook using the method above, however there is a possibility tha the problem will reoccur in the workbook again.

  13. #13
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)

    Quote Originally Posted by bilenberg View Post
    After cleaning up my workbook I actually noticed when the problem occurs.
    It seems to happen in Excel 2016;
    when saving the workbook, all cells with "data validation->list" that is selected gets this problem when saving and cloasing the workbook. However, this dosen't happen in Excel 2013, so it seems to be a Excel 2016 problem.

    So, it is possible to clean up a workbook using the method above, however there is a possibility tha the problem will reoccur in the workbook again.
    My solution;
    If using Excel 2013, this problem dosen't excist.

    For computers with Excel 2016, I use a workaround:
    simpley added a macro that runs automatically every time the workbook is saved, the macro just selectes cells on every sheet where Data Validation->List is not in use.

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  14. #14
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    Re: Data validation problem (double drop down list)


    You are not alone. This clearly is an Excel bug. Here are some related links with an alternative "fix":

    This is a link to the same issue being "dealt with" on MSCommunity

    And a recent thread on this forum
    If a response has helped then please consider rating it by clicking on *Add Reputation below the post
    When your issue has been resolved don't forget to mark the thread SOLVED (click Thread Tools at top of thread)

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