Hi, I filter some of my data and I want to copy and paste something into the newly filtered section … only that it doesn't do so concurrently. It copy and pastes the data as if it weren't filtered.

For example, I filter the data to include only the team "Knicks." And so now the row numbers include only those that focus on the Knicks, those being rows 3, 64, 76, 106, 135, and on and on and on. I go to copy and paste some Knicks-specific data—because this would be huge time-saver—and it copy and pastes them as if I wanted it to do so for the whole document even though it doesn't show the whole document. So instead of skipping between rows 3 and 64 and 76, it copy and pastes the data in the main document and puts what should go in rows and 64 and 76 into rows 1 and 2 and 3, I think. But either way, it's not copying and pasting into the filtered rows. Any way to solve this? Ty.