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Multiple if statement forumla help based on given shipment weights.

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    Multiple if statement forumla help based on given shipment weights.

    HI All,

    I am looking for some formula help in the attached spreadsheet.

    Column A has a bunch of shipments weights. column C has an identifyier on what catgetory those weights fall into. Is there a way to create a formula that can quickly "tag" each of the associated weights with the correct identifyer i.e. <500, 10K-20K, 20k-30K, ect. (see below categories.)

    can someone input the formula into my sheet to show me how that would work? many thanks!

    credit = Negative weight
    N/A = "no weight listed"
    <500 LBs
    500 to 1000 lbs
    1000 to 2500 lbs
    2500 to 5000 lbs
    >5000 lbs
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by excelguru10; 02-28-2016 at 10:26 PM.

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