Hi guys,
been trying to fix my problem for the last couple of days but weren't able to do so...
My worksheet looks like the following:
Shop1 | X | X | | |
Shop2 | | X | X | |
Shop3 | X | | | X |
| | | | |
Ingredient1| | X | | X |
Ingredient2| X | X | X | X |
Ingredient3| X | | X | |
I'm using a macro which calls other macros depending on a data validation list selection. The macro looks like the following:
Sub Shop1()
Dim LastColumn As Long, x As Long
LastColumn = ActiveSheet.Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For x = 4 To LastColumn
If UCase(Cells(7, x).Value) = "X" Then
Columns(x).Hidden = False
Columns(x).Hidden = True
End If
End Sub
I'm counting all 'X' in row 7 beginning from column D to the last column (which is AF in my case). All columns without an 'X' are hidden.
It works as indented but a formula in my sheet gives me headache. It's this one:
I'm calculation the percentage of occuring 'X' and 'O' with it. The problem starts when I use the macro to hide some columns (which aren't marked with 'X') as the percentage stays the same -> it's still calculating it for all existing columns.
What I wanted to achieve is a changing percentage based on the amount of VISIBLE columns. I tried to use sumproduct and subtotal but always ended up with #ref! or #value! errors, such as this one:
Hope you can guide me to the right direction
Thanks in advance.