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Only apply formula for visible cells isn't working

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    Question Only apply formula for visible cells isn't working

    Hi guys,

    been trying to fix my problem for the last couple of days but weren't able to do so...
    My worksheet looks like the following:

    Shop1      |    X     |     X    |          |          |
    Shop2      |          |     X    |     X    |          |
    Shop3      |    X     |          |          |     X    |
               |          |          |          |          |
    Ingredient1|          |     X    |          |     X    |
    Ingredient2|    X     |     X    |     X    |     X    |
    Ingredient3|    X     |          |     X    |          |
    I'm using a macro which calls other macros depending on a data validation list selection. The macro looks like the following:
    Sub Shop1()
    Dim LastColumn As Long, x As Long
    LastColumn = ActiveSheet.Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    For x = 4 To LastColumn
       If UCase(Cells(7, x).Value) = "X" Then
         Columns(x).Hidden = False
         Columns(x).Hidden = True
       End If
    End Sub
    I'm counting all 'X' in row 7 beginning from column D to the last column (which is AF in my case). All columns without an 'X' are hidden.
    It works as indented but a formula in my sheet gives me headache. It's this one:

    I'm calculation the percentage of occuring 'X' and 'O' with it. The problem starts when I use the macro to hide some columns (which aren't marked with 'X') as the percentage stays the same -> it's still calculating it for all existing columns.
    What I wanted to achieve is a changing percentage based on the amount of VISIBLE columns. I tried to use sumproduct and subtotal but always ended up with #ref! or #value! errors, such as this one:

    Hope you can guide me to the right direction
    Thanks in advance.

    Last edited by cyborg31; 02-17-2016 at 10:09 AM.

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