OK, after browsing the web for a few days, I can’t figure out how to create this specific Gantt sleep chart. It has 6 daily repeated tasks (in this case sleep sessions), with data spread past midnight, from 18h00 until 06h00. The closest online instruction I found, was this one, but it doesn’t work for me: http://ksrowell.com/blog-visualizing...epeated-tasks/

It should look like this (created manually): https://app.box.com/s/5srre19xuiryyx33v5ku0871s00b13ou

The closest I got was this: https://app.box.com/s/z2rbjxjxcssrltnj767qvpy8z1pmitq2

Data set: https://app.box.com/s/2smnmuf6k5qkr7zadxitnqdqgxshuckg

So I need to:
  • fix the horizontal axis
  • differentiate the different kinds of tasks.

I would think this kind of chart would be easy to find, as I’m probably not the first person in the world to log my sleeping patern. But I can’t find this kind of chart anywhere. So I guess many people would benefit from this.

Any suggestions? Many thanks in advance!
