Hi All,
Im really hoping someone can help, this issue has been bugging the life out of me for weeks now!!
Ok so i have quite a complex workbook that I have been developing for a while now. Im pretty good with Excel so i havent encountered too many issues so far, however i have come across the most frustrating thing ever! My work book uses alot of dynamic lists which I have no issues with. My issues come when I try and use indirect. seems simple I know but let me explain.
The workbook has sheets Monday - Sunday with a Weekly roll up sheet and a data sheet. all the information for my lists etc are on the data sheet. on the daily sheets I have 3 columns that relate to each other. B:C (merged) has a heading of "Activity", D:F (merged) has a heading or "Workload" and G:I (merged) is headed Task.
On the Data sheet I have a table with the Workloads across the top and the tasks running down the left. Not every Workload has all of the tasks in it, so i have seperate dynamic lists that only count the tasks that are done under that workload. I have used {=IFERROR(INDEX($P$2:$P$26,MATCH(0,IF(ISBLANK($P$2:$P$26),"",COUNTIF(Q$1:$Q1,$P$2:$P$26)),0)),"")} which works perfectly and takes out all the blank spaces.
The problem now arises when I attempt to Indirect link between Workloads and Tasks on the daily pages. Because tasks can be added and removed to workloads, to save me time later down the line that is why I used the above formula as there are several blank cells that come up at the bottom of the lists that i dont want to appear in my dynamic list. If you notice the range needs to cover cells 2:26 no matter which column i put the information into.
I tried to use =OFFSET(data!$Q$2,0,0,SUMPRODUCT(--(data!$Q$2:$Q$26<>"")),1) when naming a range. However, when I go onto (say Monday) and use the indirect validation to link the Task column to the Workload column I get an error message "The Source Currently equates to an error. Do you want to continue". I know this is because there is currently no data in the Workload Column, so when I select Yes, then put an entry into worklist column nothing will come up as an available selection under Task.
I have named the ranges exactly to the name that appears in Workload so I am stumpted as to why this is not working. I know the offset works as if I create a dynamic list that relates to one of the named tasks it brings up only the tasks in that list and ignores all of the blank cells.
Any help would be massively appreciated with this issue!!