
I am working on a project where I am trying to compare a list of bank transactions to a list of the same transactions in Quickbooks (about 1700 rows ea.) and ID which ones are missing. Unfortunately, the "Description" is slightly different in each, so I think the only thing I can compare is the "Amount" and the "Date", but the dates can be off by a few days.

Can anyone think of a formula I could use to match the data in the "Quickbooks" spreadsheet to the data in the "Bank" spreadsheet and indicate on the "Bank" ss (through highlighting, or displaying "No-Match", etc) the transactions that were not found on the "Quickbooks" ss? If we used the date, we would need to allow for a 2 or 3 day variance, since the transactions can post in Quickbooks a day or two later than what the bank has.

I hope this is not too confusing, but let me know if anyone has any ideas or questions.


The Data looks like this, and the data is in columns A thru D...

