Hi everyone,
I have a list of students in column A (student id number in A1 thru A70), in column B I have test 1 scores, in column C, I have the dates scores were registered. I have test 2 scores in column D, I have the dates scores were registered, so on and so forth. I need to know when was the latest date for each student to have the passing score.
Student Test 1 Score Test 1 Date Test 2 Score Test2 Date Test 3 Score Test 3 Date Test 4 Score Test 4 Date
I need to find the latest date when let's say student 1234 had the test 1 score of 40 and over, test 2 score of 50 or over, test 3 score of 70 and over and test 4 score of 80 and over. Student 1234 might have had several scores for each test at different dates. When all of his passing scores are met, I need to find the date. Thanks for your assistance. Since all scores are in different sheets, I need a formula saying if (student id = 1234), then find the latest date when criteria for each test is met. Thanks.