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Building a scenario/Menu model

  1. #1
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    Angry Building a scenario/Menu model

    I have a total of 7 different ingridients (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) from which to make or create a soup from. Each ingredient has different Salt and Taste grade and will impact the end product - soup.
    I want to combine different %tages of these ingredients in a way that results in a Salt Level of 92 (SL92) and Taste Level of 8 (TL8).

    See attached for details on each ingredient and example of what's I'm looking to accomplish.

    Question: does anyone has ideas on:

    1) How to setup the spreadsheet in a meaningful way to build the model?
    2) Any ideas on how to achieve my target objective (a soup that has SL92 AND TL8)?

    Any ideas, suggestions and examples would be greatly appreciated.

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Building a scenario/Menu model

    It's not too hard with Solver.

    See attached for an implementation of that.

    I've set it up so that you input your desired values in the TARGET, and then run a Macro bound to the button to the right of the table. Make sure Solver is loaded or else it will throw an error like "Sub is not defined" when you click the button.

    (The weight of the two variables might not be what you want; I just averaged them instead of summing them, which isn't really how Least Squares is supposed to work. You might want to change D24 from =AVERAGE(B24:C24) to =SUM(B24:C24) or maybe =(B24 *10 + C24) or something like that.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Building a scenario/Menu model

    @ben_hensel, thanks for the response!

    I turned on Solver in my 2013 but still getting this error belows so I'm unable to open the file:
    "Excel cannot open the file <filename> because the file format is not valid. Verify the the file has not been corrupted and that the file extention matches the format"

    How can I get past this?

  4. #4
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Building a scenario/Menu model

    Maybe you have security settings that aren't allowing macro-enabled workbooks or something?

    File > Options > Trust Center: [Trust Center Settings] > Macro Settings: Macro Settings
    The second button [Disable all macros with notification] should be clicked & choose to enable macros when you load the file.

    File > Options > Trust Center: [Trust Center Settings] > File Block Settings
    See if the second checkbox [Excel 2007 and later MAcro-Enabled Workbooks and Templates] has the "Open" box checked

    Well, if you're on a work computer, that might be circumventing your company IT policies though.

    Either way, it's not that important.

    You can just set Solver manually; Launch Solver and set objective D24 to Min, by changing cells D15:D21, with constraint D22 = D23; then click Solve.

    See attached.
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