I am attaching excel for ref, please download it and open chart sheet . I want to calculate count on the basis of vlookup values but its not working so please help. mydem.xls
I am attaching excel for ref, please download it and open chart sheet . I want to calculate count on the basis of vlookup values but its not working so please help. mydem.xls
Last edited by nkd108; 11-26-2015 at 04:21 AM. Reason: missed sheet name
I don't understand what you're trying to do with this.
What are you looking for in column A of Sheet1 in your formulas?
Could you explain a little more about what your expected result should be and how it SHOULD be calculated?
Best Regards
Imran Bhatti
Teach me Excel VBA
A guess... In sheet 1 D2, copy down:
If incorrect, please explain what you are trying to achieve and where we should be looking. Which formula is wrong? What do you want it to do?
None of us get paid for helping you... we do this for fun. So DON'T FORGET to say "Thank You" to all who have freely given some of their time to help YOU
OK, I now understand that it is the chart sheet (your edit at Post 1)... Please explain what you want the formula to do....
In sheet1 i am comparing id from sheet2, created a Missing ID column for this. Then after want to create a report in chart sheet.
want to count matching ID(Missing Id=NO) from both the sheet(sheet1 & sheet2). and want result in %.
is this what you want (Total number of "No" in sheet 1)*100 / (Total number of UNIQUE IDs)??
224 and 45 are present in sheet 2 but not in sheet 1. Do the need to e couted as part of the "No" group or as part of the "Total" group?
=COUNTIF(Sheet1!A:A,Sheet1!D:D="NO")/COUNTIF(Sheet2!A:A,Sheet1!D:D="NO") //not working but let me explain what i want to do
sheet1 has missing ID column, means we have information which id is present in both of the sheet.
Now i want to count only matched(common in both sheet) ID in chart sheet and want result in %.
so count sheet1 id on the basis on Missing ID="NO" and also count sheet2 id on the basis on Missing ID="NO"(from sheet1).
=COUNTIF(Sheet1!D:D,"No") - suggested at Post 3 - will count the number of "No" in sheet 1, but I still don't understand what sum you want to calculate from sheet 2.... What is your EXPECTED answer from sheet 2?
From sheet2 I want to count employeeID which all are present in sheet1.
There are ten people listed on sheet 1, who are also listed on sheet 2. THEREFORE there are 10 people listed on sheet 2, who are also listed on sheet 1. But they are the SAME ten people.
What is your expected answer?
2 ID are different. for dummy purpose i added two more rows in sheet2.
For the fourth time, please tell me your expected answer...
i want to count sheet1 empid with Missing ID="NO" and also Sheet2 empid with Missing ID="NO"
Missing ID is calculated in sheet1. Please suggest.
but its showing #DIV/0!
For the fifth time, please manually calculate your expected answer..... For example:
"Seven from sheet 1 divided by 10 from sheet 2, expressed as a percentge, i.e. 70%"
If/when you do this, please make it clear if your manually calculated answer refers to the sheet posted at Post 1 or the the one at Post 12
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