There is no built-in feature that can do this. Here is a macro that will do the conversion for you. It operates on whatever cell is selected at the time the macro runs. It assumes that the HYPERLINK formula has simple cell references for the link location and friendly name, and they are on the same sheet as the HYPERLINK formula.
Sub ConvertToLink()
Dim F As String
Const FunctionName As String = "=HYPERLINK"
Dim A As Variant
Dim FriendlyName As String
Dim LinkLocation As String
F = ActiveCell.Formula
If Mid(F, 1, Len(FunctionName)) = FunctionName Then
LinkLocation = Mid(F, Len(FunctionName) + 2, InStr(1, F, ",") - (Len(FunctionName) + 2))
FriendlyName = Mid(F, InStr(1, F, ",") + 1, InStr(1, F, ")") - InStr(1, F, ",") - 1)
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=ActiveCell, _
Address:=Range(LinkLocation).Value, _
ActiveCell.Value = Range(FriendlyName).Value
End If
End Sub