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VBA If Vlookup

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2013

    VBA If Vlookup

    Hi all.

    I need a help with transferring excel function in to VBA code. In column G in sheet "List" I have the below formula.

    VBA If Vlookup.xlsb

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    In this formula, every value in column B in sheet "List" is compared with the range "A2:B26" in "Pickup list" sheet to get the "Type" value.
    A1 = CB
    A2 = CB
    A3 = AT
    A4 = AT
    A5 = CB
    A8 = WHS
    A9 = WHS

    If it get result "WHS", Its looking in range "E2:H10" in sheet "Pickup list" which value is in the 3rd column if the range if the lookup value is in column "E".
    If it get result "CB", Its looking in range "E2:H10" in sheet "Pickup list" which value is in the 4th column if the range if the lookup value is in column "E".
    If the value in column "E" can not be found in the range "E2:E10" in sheet "Pickup list", then it will use the first lower value.
    If the model in column "B" in sheet "List" is not "CB" or "WHS", then the value should be 0.


    CB 49 0.37
    WHS 24 0.5
    ZZ 108 0
    CB 104 0.15
    CB 105 0.15
    CB 114 0.15
    WHS 114 0.07
    ZZ 34 0
    CB 47 0.45
    ZZ 22 0

    I wanted to transfer this formula to VBA, but it does not work.

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    Can someone help me with this.

    Thank you
    Last edited by igormigor; 11-23-2015 at 11:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert tim201110's Avatar
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    Re: VBA If Vlookup

    1 you need to pass your named ranges to VBA
    2 there is no need to use worksheetfunctions here
    3 you will get the best performance of a macro if you do like this: Dim rm(): rm = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 100))

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA If Vlookup

    Sorry, but I don't understand where and I need to change. Can you advise how and what I need to change in my code.
    Thank you.

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  4. #4
    Forum Expert tim201110's Avatar
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    Re: VBA If Vlookup

    without your file?

  5. #5
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    Re: VBA If Vlookup

    I've figure out how to do it differently. Maybe not the best way, but it works.

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    Thank you for your help on this.

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