
When a record is created/deleted in Table1, then add/delete record to Table2

Intended functionality:
1. The TRADE table and TRADE COMMENTS table must always have the same number of rows
2. When a new trade record is created in the TRADE table, it must also be created in the TRADE COMMENTS table
3. When a trade record is deleted in the TRADE table, it must also be deleted in the TRADE COMMENTS table
4. I would like to protect the sheet which contains the TRADE COMMENTS table to prevent the user from ever manually deleting or adding rows (thereby avoiding the slew of bugs which occur there after). However when I protect the sheet my Macro will no longer run... to code against all these bugs things started getting really complex so it made me think - - is there not a simpler way to do this?!

I feel like I have completely over designed the solution with the vba code I have written. Again, all I need is for when a record is added to the TRADE table, a corresponding record is added to COMMENTS table. I wanted to have "TradeID" in the TRADE COMMENTS table as a dynamic structured reference to the "TradeID" column in the TRADE table. I thought that would be a nice easy way to do things... but I'm not sure this is even possible.

Does anyone have any ideas for a more eloquent solution to satisfy my requirements?
Table1 dynmically maintains rows to Table2.xlsm

Thanks in advance,