Hi there! I'm a total noob to Excel, going to classes soon for it but I need someone's help. I have 2 workbooks, one with serial numbers that are owed commissions on, the second with a list of serial numbers that have been paid. I need a way to weed those that have been paid out. I don't really care if they are deleted or if the unique (still not paid commissions) are highlighted or whatever. I'm not sure what the best way would be to go about this.

Serial numbers needing paid are in column H on the "devices owed commissions" and the serial numbers for the devices that have been paid are in column I of the "comm paid"

New workbooks will be generated weekly so I need to be able to repeat the process every week.

Thank you all so much for your help!Comm PAID.xlsx

DEVICES OWED COMMISSIONS.xlsxAttachment 429607