Hi there
I'm trying to streamline some of my workload. I often use route planning software and can generate an export with a breakdown of the entire plan (but can not break it down any further unfortunately).
As I need to show a break down per customer group (It's never more than 3 different customer groups - but each customer could have 5 call points for example), I've created a custom summary sheet, where I paste the exported CSV into the background so I can perform all reavent calculations.
In my summary sheet, I have overall totals, customer A totals, Customer B totals etc.
All is working well, until I get to the time that the customer is started.
As it stands, for customer A, I've used the following array formula:
=INDEX('Day 1 Core'!$J:J,MATCH(1,($A28='Day 1 Core'!$A:$A)*(J$26='Day 1 Core'!$P:$P)*(1='Day 1 Core'!$C:$C),0))
This works great...until I get to a couple of routes where the sequential order at this customers first call point is any other sequence than 1 (i.e. it could be 5).
I imagine that in the last criteria of the index/match, I need to somehow incorporate a MIN or SMALL function to get the correct sequence number that this starts at but I'm really struggling.
All the criteria's I need to match up are in the data (Route Number, Customer Group the call belongs to and Sequence)
Is any one able to offer any help, please? I'm really scratching my head over this one!